Monday, 14 May 2007

The thinking Blogger Award

Juka was generous enough to inflate my ego even more by choosing my little blob here for 'The Thinking Blogger Award'.

This is the thingy and I'll be hanging it in everyone's faces from now on insha'allah lol:

The story :

It all started with one blogger, Ilkar Yoldes, who decided that all the tags out there are mindless and the blogs useless.

Too many blogs, not enough thoughts!

He started a new tag “5 Blogs that make me think”.

The participation rules are simple:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).

It took me a while to come up with 5 blogs which made me think, I tried to choose ones that haven't already been tagged but the most important thing for me was just to post the ones I really like and read a lot. I didn't write many details because I found it rather hard to just sum up these blogs in few sentences, so just click on those links, find out for yourselves and enjoy. :

1. Alb Sayed

2. Reflection

3. Three lives

4. Whisper of Madness

5.Egypt-The Reality


Om Luji said...

Congratulations and thanks for introducing me to some great blogs I've never known before!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, and thank you for the award. Very honored to be on your radar.

Keep up the good work.

The Legal Dealer said...

Om Luji : thank you and I'm glad you like them!

pink panther : Thank you! Very sweet of you to say so :D.

Sayed: Thanks and my radar is err..proud to have you :D

Anonymous said...

gosh, witty, clever, AND humble!

The Legal Dealer said...

^Whoa...3ala ra2y Keanu Reeves
lol I can't handle all that praise in one sentence.
Thx ;)

Anonymous said...

ah keanu reeves is quotable? not just nice to look at.

The Legal Dealer said...

^ only when he's..The One!

Anonymous said...

Ravine, thanks a lot for tagging me!
It's really lovely to find out that my blog is actually making someone think!
I am so honored...
Thank you

The Legal Dealer said...

It was my pleasure Rima, you deserved it :D